Navigating the Cloud Journey

Episode 14: Migrating to the Cloud - Architecture & Best Practices

FEBRUARY 03, 2023   |   JIM MANDELBAUM   |    Episode 14

Listen to the full podcast series, Navigating the Cloud Journey, here.


In the episode, Jim talks to Head of Software Innovation at Veloce Energy, Arila Barnes. Arila has extensive experience in enterprise software and product management. She is an expert in edge computing and IoT solutions.

In this episode, Jim and Arila discuss edge/IoT computing, multi-cloud deployments, machine-to-machine Zero Trust, observability in the cloud and much more.


1:08  Edge computing in the cloud

4:20  Microservices and Infrastructure as a Service

7:04  Considering multi-cloud environments

9:39  Observability in the cloud

11:51  Building out your cloud observability architecture

14:11  Best practices for moving to the cloud

16:25  Re-skilling your staff for the cloud

18:38  Observability using log data from IoT devices

21:05  Zero Trust for machine-to-machine environments